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Advicare Acquisition

May 4, 2016

Dear Provider:

WellCare Health Plans, Inc., (WellCare) appreciates your continued participation in our provider
network. Because you are a valued provider, we are proud to let you know that we have recently
entered into an agreement to acquire Advicare Corp., a managed care organization that provides
Medicaid benefits to 32,500 members in South Carolina.

Effective June 1, 2016, all Advicare members will become members of WellCare of South Carolina, a subsidiary of WellCare Health Plans. Members will still receive all covered Medicaid benefits plus many extra benefits, including Diaper Rewards for babies, a stroller or playpen for women completing all prenatal and postpartum visits, mail-order over-the counter medication and other items, and a Healthy Rewards CVS gift card for completing certain checkups.

Here are some other key points to note:

  • Advicare will be officially become WellCare of South Carolina on June 1, 2016.
  • All Advicare members will receive new WellCare ID cards, within 14 days.
  • Transition of care will apply for non-PDL drugs for 60 days, through July 31, 2016.If you have a patient receiving a medication that is not on the WellCare of South Carolina PDL, you will need to convert over to a PDL drug or complete a prior authorization request prior to July 31, 2016.
  • All efforts will be made to honor any prior authorizations for medical services that were issued by Advicare during the initial 60-day Transition of Care.
  • You can continue to use the same WellCare of South Carolina customer service phone number (listed below) to reach us.

We’re here to help!

If you should ever have any questions or concerns, please contact us by calling 1-888-588-9842
Monday–Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. or by visiting

Thank you for the continued opportunity to partner with you.

WellCare Health Plans, Inc.

Proudly serving Healthy Connections members.

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Última actualización:32/1/2020
El 21 de febrero de 2024, Change Healthcare registró un incidente de ciberseguridad. Cualquier persona afectada por este incidente recibirá una carta por correo. Puede obtener más información directamente de Change Healthcare o mediante el centro de atención al cliente llamando al 1-866-262-5342. ×