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24-892: Expand Your Patients’ Behavioral Health Options With LMFTs and LPCCs

August 15, 2024

LMFTs and LPCCs are now eligible to be part of the Medicare network

Licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs) and licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCCs), as known as mental health counselors (MHCs), are now eligible for Medicare reimbursement and will be included in network adequacy reporting.

As Wellcare independent practice associations are delegated to handle provider networks, we encourage you to expand your behavioral health network by contracting with LMFTs and LPCCs/MHCs.

Benefits of building the LMFT and LPCC network

Moving services from PhDs to LMFTs and LPPCs/MHCs will provide improved access for your Medicare members to behavioral health services. It is important to note that Medicare Part B pays LMFTs and LPCCs/MHCs at 75% of what a clinical psychologist is paid under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.

Additional information

For more information about behavioral health services for Medicare members, go to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website at

If you have questions regarding the information contained in this update, contact 866-999-3945.

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Y0020_WCM_134133E_M Última Actualización: 8/15/2024
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