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Utilization Management Vendor Updates

August 30, 2021

Dear Provider,
Thank you for your valued partnership. We want to inform you of several upcoming changes that will affect the Michigan Wellcare Medicare plans. These changes will be effective on November 1, 2021.

Utilization Management Vendor Updates

Terming Vendors: Effective November 1, 2021, H3 Management Services and Innovista Health Solutions will no longer manage authorizations for Michigan and Ohio Wellcare Medicare plans.

Utilization Management Process Updates

The following process changes will be in effect beginning November 1, 2021:

  • Peer to Peer (P2P)
    • The P2P number is changing to 1-866-329-7651
    • Timeframes will be as follows:
      • Prior Authorization: Request for P2P must be made within 24 hours of receiving of intent to deny
      • Concurrent Review: The provider has 7 days to request a P2P review from the date the denial letter goes out. Denial may be overturned pending the information presented in the P2P if the member remains inpatient at the time of the P2P

Request Submission Options

There will be updates to the request submission process as a result of the changes mentioned above. The grid below outlines submission options by service type, and includes notes of the changes effective November 1, 2021.



            Type of Service


                   Portal Link

                       Contact Info

Radiology, Cardiology, PT, OT, ST, Pain Management   National Imaging Associates (NIA)  Phone: 1-800-424-5388
Sleep studies, genetic testing  eviCore  Phone: 1-888-333-8641
Musculoskeletal surgical procedures  TurningPoint  Phone: 1-877-659-9496                             Fax:         313-915-5036
Medical oncology, radiation  therapy  HealthHelp  Phone: 1-888-210-3736
Farmacia  Wellcare  Phone: 1-833-857-0923                             Fax:     1-888-871-0564
Behavioral Health -Inpatient  Wellcare  Phone: 1-855-538-0454                             Fax:     1-855-713-0592
Behavioral Health -Outpatient  Wellcare

 Phone: 1-855-538-0454                             Fax:     1-855-713-0593

                                                                                                  UPDATES - EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2021

   Type of Service


                Portal Link

                      Contact Info

 Inpatient medical       requests

 Wellcare  Phone: 1-855-538-0454                                 Fax: 1-855-776-9464
 All other outpatient     medical requests  Wellcare  Phone: 1-855-538-0454                                 Fax: 1-888-361-5684

For questions about this notice, please refer to the Quick Reference Guide that will be available on November 1, 2021 at If you need further assistance, please call your Provider Network Development Representative or Provider Services at 1-855-538-0454.


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Last Updated On: 8/30/2021